Discipline - Slowing Down a Restless Mind - The Warriors Will

Discipline - Slowing Down a Restless Mind

Hello Warriors! 

This is week two of Mark's new blog, with text by Tifa Strife. Welcome to the party members who traveled over here from The Warrior's Will social media platforms, and also to new recruits who may have just dropped in! 

On Wednesdays, we wear pink!

Woman with pink hair throwing her hair back

I really hope people still laugh at this quote. Mark already thinks I'm stuck in the 90s...

Okay, so maybe Mark doesn't wear pink on Wednesdays, but idk, we'd have to ask him (maybe on our next live!!). I doubt he owns pink armor in his collection either, but knowing him, any reason for more gear is a good reason! Our posts, however will be every Wednesday so don't miss out! 

This week, we are covering the T.I.P.P. skill from dialectic behavioral therapy. If you need a quick brush up on the skills being taught from DBT, or what it is, feel free to check out this page from Word Alchemy LLC

Mark trains every single day. When he's tired or upset, or even has a lot going on, for him, it isn't an option. This is what discipline looks like. The feeling for change - that honeymoon passion - it doesn't last. You can't rely on willpower to get you through even your favorite projects. Habits get you through. 

I have found when I'm overwhelmed or stressed, training is the first thing to go. I'm not particularly fond of exercise in general, I do it for my health, and while I do love swords and sword fighting, there is a lot of hard physical work involved. Mark is truly inspiring in this area. In case you haven't seen his videos, check out his TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_warriors_will?lang=en 

That being said, here is the T.I.P.P. skill followed by a brief explanation for when things get overwhelming!

No it's not lost on me how it suggests exercise to facilitate exercise!! But for some people, it really does make their day open up!
Is anyone else a night owl? If you're like me, the tendency to stay up isn't about video games or reading under the covers (though I do love a good book!). It's sleep avoidance because I struggle with racing thoughts before bed. My mind doesn't shut off, and my distortions replay over and over. This has been my baseline since I was a child. Some of you may find yourself waking up this way or overwhelmed by this even during your day, creating an afternoon/evening slump.

I should've done more today
I should've said (or not said) this when talking to that person
I left chores undone
I have a test tomorrow...
The list is endless.

Here is a skill that helps build your distress tolerance. There are times when we should absolutely be distressed. It isn't about not having a flight or fight reflex, it's about rewiring the trauma that causes this reflex to go off over and over again.


Remember everyone is different, what works for one person may not for another. Tweak it if needed. In reference to the chart shown, here is my take on this skill.

TEMPERATURE: Shower before bed (or during the moment the day feels overwhelming) if washing your face with cold water isn't doable.

INTENSE EXERCISE: Go outside and get fresh air and walk a bit (heavy exercise for some is exactly that).

PACED BREATHING: Box breathing works so much better for me than just "in, hold, out". Also referred to as square breathing. (See instructions above).
PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION: This last one is hardest for those of us who are tense so often that we can't distinguish tight and loose muscles. Try tensing your entire body at once and then release. Sometimes, this helps you realize what problematic areas you may have. Slowly move down the body and tense individual areas once you've done the whole body.
Hopefully these skills are new and helpful to some of you! Or maybe just a great reminder. What else do you do to relax?
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