Heart - Back to the Basics - The Warriors Will

Heart - Back to the Basics

So It's Been a Moment...

It has been a LONG ass summer. Which is code for, I'm a work-from-home mom, and I am soooooooo ready for my kid to be back in school this week!

The kids today will never know what it's like to spit watermelon seeds at eachother...

Hi everyone! It's been a while, which is not Mark's fault. As friends who help each other with our businesses, our schedule is far from traditional. I prefer the consistency of weekly posts, and as the summer starts fading into fall, I am hoping to get back to that.

But enough about that. You all are here for the warrior of the hour—Mark Clewley. This is from his perspective; I am just the messenger!

Do do do...enter Mark's POV:

Lately, I have been going stronger than ever. Pushing myself harder. Why?

I need the consistency.

My training is decent, but my progression could be more substantial. It's been sporadic. My focus is divided between where I want to be and learning to be at peace with my business and job situation. Training to have a warrior's discipline while needing a swift kick of it in my personal life is challenging, to say the least.


Life has this way of knocking you on your ass like a line of shots but without the good time.

I have a tournament coming up in October that I'm excited to share with you all, and there are no excuses left. I'm here to be all the things I've told you I am since the beginning of The Warrior's Will. Growth isn't about the moment you've committed to doing the necessary actions, no matter the hardship. It's about choosing that commitment over and over. I have to wake up every single day and choose this commitment above the excuses, the busyness of life, and the fear of the demons in front of me.


I've started to regain that focus and remember how good it feels to train and become stronger. The feeling I get after a challenging session is worth the strain on my body. It invigorates my mind and brings passion back into my heart. I want to be a warrior.


I AM a warrior.

Sometimes, in the lulls and difficulties, we forget that the victory we desire is something we chose because it was exactly what we wanted. It's not the enemy or something that should drain our energy. Wanting the best for yourself includes the moments when you are still determining how you'll make it another step and then do it anyway. It's knowing that sometimes you need your friends and support system to guide you through for a while. It's okay to need them. It's okay to have help getting there. That Zero to One can be a total bitch.


You all have been a fucking fantastic community of warriors!


I could never thank you enough for all the encouragement and kind words you have continued to bestow upon me day after day. I am here for you all as well — always.


I've been regaining that focus and being more consistent in my stride to become better and stronger. My trials in this tournament are with my longsword and cutting. It's my first time doing this, so I especially need that laser vision to make it through each and every moment leading up to the day I perform. I want to know I did everything I could to show myself that I am a warrior and worthy of victory.


It's not that I have to win. I want to know I've done everything I can to see this through. I encourage you all as well. For the things most important to you, please know it's about knowing you've done the work to follow through. And please. Let me know how I can come alongside you the way you do for me.


This is a shorter update, but you will start seeing me again weekly!



P.S. in case you missed it, I now sell my personal warrior art on Mark's Artistic Drip Canvas!



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